by Eric | Sep 26, 2013 | Articles, Investigations
Continuing our investigation into issues with Matt Griffin that you can see here…
On the night of September 20, 2013 at roughly 11:13pm, myself and Centurion were standing outside of a party at 107 Wilson St anticipating a noise complaint call. Two minutes later there was a call that came over the radio that a “neighbor” called in and said there were parties happening on both sides of her home. We later found out that the call was from someone inside the house. As soon as the call came in over the radio Centurion went across the street to inform the party that he heard the call and that the cops were on their way. 15 seconds later Matt Griffin (Badge #182) showed up and started talking with people on the porch. Two minutes later Matthew Bomberg (Badge #203) arrived and the two of them started clearing out people from the side and back yards.
by Ademo | Sep 12, 2013 | Investigations, Submit Content
The following was submitted by Centurion and is part of an on going investigation
On Sept 5th at around 11pm there was a alleged 911 hang up call at 15 Blake Street, Keene, NH, Unknown apt#. Officer Griffin supposedly responded to this bogus call.
From KPD Call Log: 13-22428 2121 Phone – 911 HANG-UP CALLS Arrest(s) Made
Call Taker: 213 – Pomerleau, Marsha
Primary Id: 182 – Griffin, Matthew
Call Closed By: 147 – Milton, Christopher 09/05/2013 2319
Call Modified By: 147 – Milton, Christopher
Location/Address: [KEE 912] 15 BLAKE ST – 15 BLAKE ST Apt. #A/B
Jurisdiction: KEENE
ID: 176 – Thompson, Jason
Disp-21:22:53 Enrt-21:23:11 Arvd-21:27:41 Clrd-23:18:56
Arrived By: 176 – Thompson, Jason
Cleared By: 147 – Milton, Christopher
ID: 174 – Nugent, Benjamin
Disp-21:23:05 Enrt-21:23:08 Clrd-21:23:34
ID: 182 – Griffin, Matthew
Disp-21:23:38 Enrt-21:23:40 Arvd-21:25:18 Clrd-23:18:58
Cleared By: 147 – Milton, Christopher
by Pete Eyre | Sep 4, 2013 | Articles, Updates
The Keene Police Department website has a page “Professional Ethics” that lists statements police employees allegedly seek to uphold, including:
It is my responsibility to keep the community informed on local government affairs, encourage communication between the citizens and all local government officers, emphasize friendly and courteous service to the public, and seek to improve the quality and image of public service.
Communication is key.
While I applaud those at the Keene police department for sharing the names and phone extension of current employees, I recognize that a lot of people might prefer to communicate via email. So, on July 31, 2013 I solicited that information in the form of a 91A request (what a Freedom of Information Act request is referred to here in the ‘shire).

screenshot from “KPD Employees” page showing addition of email addresses
A couple of days later I received a response from Bill Dow, the deputy clerk/records manager for the “City of Keene,” which noted me that my request had been received, that Dow would “commence collecting the information requested at the earliest possible opportunity,” and would soon be in touch.
A few weeks later – on August 20th – Dow wrote again and noted [see below] that an existing list of the email addresses for Keene police employees did not exist. However, Dow did give an overview of the standard email protocol used for employees of the “City of Keene” (first initial + last name + “”). He also indicated how email addresses are assigned when the same first initial and last name exists (the middle initial is then included), as is the case for two current Keene police employees.
With that knowledge, I updated the “KPD Employees” page here at Hopefully that will prove to be a good resource for those who wish to communicate directly with individuals who now take a paycheck under the auspices of serving and protecting [note that despite such claims, courts have repeated ruled that police have no duty to protect the individual].
Hopefully the addition of that new info makes police “chief” Kenny Meola happy as it parallels the statement on the page “Police Chief Welcome” on which he calls transparency “essential.”
Keene Police Employee Email Addresses 91a
by Pete Eyre | Aug 14, 2013 | Articles, Updates, Videos
On Monday, August 12, the “Evidentiary” hearing for the lawsuit filed by the “City of Keene” against six individuals collectively dubbed “Robin Hood” went down at “Superior” court in Keene. As the title of this post indicates, it was the first of what may be three or four days in legaland. The next date, which won’t happen in the next few weeks due to a full docket, is still to be determined.
Those of us named as “Robin Hood” were told be be present at 9am. We didn’t exit legaland until 4pm.
The “City of Keene” called parking enforcement officer (PEO) Linda “Lynn” Desruisseaux, counselor Mary Kimmel (who, while testifying, was getting paid 225FRNs/hour from the “City of Keene”), and former PEO Alan Givetz (who only got through part of his testimony – that which related to me, Pete Eyre). I then testified (as I had informed those present that the next day I was to leave the ‘shire for an extended period of time per the Police Accountability Tour).
When wrapping-up for the day both myself and John Meyer, who is representing the five other co-defendants, motioned to have my name removed from the injunction as there was no factual evidence to support my inclusion in the frivolous suit. Charles Bauer – the Concord-based lawyer hired by the “City of Keene”, was told he had 10days to respond.
by Pete Eyre | Aug 8, 2013 | Videos
On August 6th police departments across the states held “national night out” to try to better community relations.
I stopped by the Keene police department. Present was the BEARCAT – which was brought to town last year despite the overwhelming pushback from townsfolks who said “Thanks but no tanks!”
Right now, just an hour or so to the north, so-claimed “public officials” in Concord are attempting to do the same.
But hey – at least some folks at the LENCO plant down in Pitsfield, MA have jobs right?
They’re staying busy cranking out these vehicles. Thanks to federal money from the misnamed Department of Homeland Security – BEARCATS are now in 300 towns.
A DHS grant – which, to be clear, is coin stolen from taxpayers – also provided a mobile command center to the Cheshire County sheriffs – the outfit now headed by former Keene police employee Eli Rivera.
I was hopeful that I could finally have a conversation with someone who has thus far, played hard to get since my time in Keene.
Despite a number of attempts to initiate a convo, or even just get a reciprocal “hello” or “good afternoon” Ken Meola has steadfastly refused to engage. Perhaps today, in public, things would be different.