Snipers Present at Pumpkin Fest – What Are Their Identifies?

The write-up below was made by Jason Talley to on Oct. 19, 2013. It is shared here in an effort to further crowdsource the information sought – specifically, the identification of the individuals who surveilled those present at Keene’s Pumpkin Fest.

Far from being a rowdy event, the Pumpkin Fest has long been a place for folks from Keene and the region to come together to mark the change of seasons. The presence of snipers – the first time such people have been witnessed at the peaceful gathering – should be disconcerting to anyone not a fan of a militarized Keene.

Recall in early 2012, when Keene police employee Ken Meola and his colleagues atop the corporation called the “City of Keene” ignored those they claim to represent, and from who they steal money to pay their own salaries, and pushed-through the acquisition of the Bearcat, they cited as one potential use the Pumpkin Fest.

The police state apparatus seen at Keene Pumpkin Fest part of a trend – if it’s not questioned it will continue. The inertia built-in to the institutions that today claim to exist to provide security and protection, but in reality grow in size and scope, do so only at an inverse relationship to justice, liberty, and peace.

Tom Aspell, John Duval & Brian LeBrun conspire to bring militarized vehicle to Concord

Last year here in Keene, NH – a college town of 25,000 –  the “Thanks but no tanks!” campaign was in full-swing. An overwhelming percentage of Keene inhabitants vocalized their preference to not have their town patrolled by a Lenco Bearcat (Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck) yet the self-described “authorities” requested and accepted the grant money for its acquisition.

Now, the bureaucrats and police outfit in Concord, NH, a sleepy political town of 43,000, are hoping to working to bring the same militarized vehicle to their area based on far-reaching, purposefully inaccurate claims, such as: “Sovereign Citizens, Free Staters and Occupy New Hampshire are active and present daily challenges” – huh!??

Can Ken Meola's Word Be Trusted?

“obfuscation, stonewalling, say-nothing, do-nothing, run-away!” – words ‘shire-based videographer Dave Ridley used to describe the actions of Ken Meola, Keene Police Department employee, when he’s questioned.

My own experience has been the same. The handful of times I’ve been in Meola’s presence and have attempted a conversation with him, he’s remained mute.

Perhaps I should be surprised, seeing as the mission Meola claims to uphold lists “courtesy” as a main component, but I’m aware of the perverse incentives in the monopolistic, hierarchical structure in which he works.

Is Meola’s statement – that the recently-acquired Bearcat (Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck) will not be modified – to be believed? Meaning, that no extra armaments will be added to the 19,000-lb vehicle?

I don’t think any sane person would put-forth that this militarized vehicle needed in quaint Keene, and therefore, nor would any additional accessories (used to kill those who don’t obey).

But recall, Meola and some of his colleagues justified the acquisition of the vehicle because it was “free” (it’s not free obviously, the DHS, through those who pay their annual ransom to the larger, federal government, covered the cost of the 286,000FRN piece of hardware to Keene PD and 299 other towns).

Is it likely that Meola and his co-conspirators would turn-down with a battering-ram arm used to inject gas, or a turret-mounted gun? If we who value peace, accountability, and consensual interactions stay focused on the actions of those who claim a “legitimate” right to initiate force the chances are definitely less-likely…

Note that this video was originally uploaded to on Dec. 26th, 2012
