Keene Property Owner Remains Undeterred Despite Ongoing Harassment from "Authorities"

Keene Cop Block invited Ian Freeman, a six -year inhabitant of Keene, NH, to share a bit about the ongoing harassment he’s faced from so-claimed “authorities” for his efforts to peacefully erode their claimed legitimacy.

In this video Freeman, host of the nationally syndicated Free Talk Live and blogger at and, among much else, touches on the latest iteration of threat levied at him before speaking candidly about his motivations and the real impact had as the peaceful community emerges.

Instead of cowering, Freeman, knowing full-well that he’s not harmed anyone, has opted for transparency. His actions have undoubtedly embolden others – both in and outside of the ‘shire – to see the gun in the room, and speak out as well.

Freddie Parsells “Keene’s Petty Tyrant” 603.352.5400

 Gary LaFreniere Keene Fire Department employee 603.357.9861


Fire Chief’s Inspection of Activist Center Thrown Out by Court posted to on June 29, 2013 by Ian Freeman

KAC Smoke Alarm Case: City Claims They’re Only “Requesting” Compliance? posted to on March 3, 2013 by Ian Freeman

City Targets Keene Activist Center with Hundreds Per Day in Fines posted to on February 13, 2013 by Ian Freeman

Fred Parsells, Keene’s Petty Tyrant posted to on December 19, 2012 by Pete Eyre

Update on KAC Raid – Response Filed posted to on September 17, 2012 by Ian Freeman

Toilet Safety Raid at the KAC posted to on July 14, 2012 by FreeConcord

The KAC is constitutionally protected. Your raids don’t scare us, Fred. posted to on June 15, 2012 by Ian Freeman

Keene Activist Center posted to on November 9, 2012 by Ian Freeman

“Jailed Activist” category at

7,000+ Pages of Keene Meter Maid Activities

If you live, work, or travel through Keene, chances are you’ve spied the ongoing efforts of those involved with Robin Hooding.


Keene Copblockers engage in Robin Hooding to rescue others in the community from being ransomed by Keene’s “parking enforcers.”

Whenever someone’s meter is expired, a coin is placed into the meter to extend the person’s time, especially if it is in the direct path of the individual working for the Bureau of Parking Enforcement. Usually a long nickle is sufficient. Often, if time allows, a Copblocker will walk in front of the would be ransom-issuer (while attempting conversation), depositing a coin in each expired meter along the way. This has proven to be an effective deterrent.


In late December I submitted a 91A request (New Hampshire’s Freedom of Information Act) to obtain records of meter maid activities.

Eventually, one FRN was given to Bill Dow for a CD with over 7,000 pages of records that list the type, location, time and date of all tickets given from January 1st, 2010 to December 31st, 2012 (yes, people were given tickets on New Year and New Years Eve).

It’s shared here for transparency.

91A for Keene Parking Enforcement Records by CopBlock

Keene Meter Maid Tickets 2010-2012 by CopBlock

Victimless Crime Outreach Launches In Keene

Victimless Crime Outreach MaterialKeene Cop Block has begun the Victimless Crime Outreach project.  Each week, all who were arrested by Keene police will be sent an envelope containing useful information regarding dealing with a victimless crime:

  • Letter with text reminding the victim of state aggression that they are not alone, didn’t do anything wrong, and that help and options are available.
  • “Don’t Take the Plea Deal” informational trifold and insert.
  • Cop Block “Know Your Rights” flier


Fred Parsells, Keene's Petty Tyrant

Many folks who reside in Keene are aware of the petty harassment doled out by Fred Parsells.

A former Keene police employee, Parsells now claims a “legitimate” right to be a nosy bother to his neighbors due to his occupation as a code enforcer.

Fortunately a lot of thinking individuals have concluded that when the initiation of force or its threat is utilized, whether “officially” sanctioned or not, the person initiating is in the wrong.

There’s much I love about Keene. Yet I could do without the countless iterations of force threatened or initiated by Fred Parsells.

Fred Parsells

11 Mckinley St.

Keene, NH 03431


Let’s grow up and treat others how we’d like to be treated.

If you have a Parsells sighting or visit, please do document and share with Keene Cop Block. The sooner we can work together to put a spotlight on the actions of this individual who unfortunately has taken it upon himself to act as a creepy petty tyrant, the more-likely we are to live free from his harassment.


Ken J. Meola Fails: The Bearcat is Clearly NOT a Rescue Vehicle

Keene now has a Bearcat (Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck).

Does the world you want to live in include this militaristic vehicle?

Check out this stellar overview video put-together by, which compares the Bearcat to Keene’s Fire Truck #1 [*note, only slight alterations were made for this version].

The lie peddled over and over to try to assuage the vocal widespread opposition, was that the Bearcat was as a “rescue” vehicle. Seems as though Ken Meola and his cronies read a bit too much from Vladimir Lenin, who stated, “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”

Unlike our “protectors”, I think most of us are too smart to buy-into that misinformation.

Do you really think Keene residents would choose to pay-up to bring such a monstrosity to town??

Remind yourself, as the double-speak surrounding this issue and these institutions is prevalent – the folks who brought the Bearcat to town claim to protect you. That “protection” is done at the barrel of a gun. All Keene residents, whether they like it or not, are told “pay up” or else.

What if you’re not happy with the services rendered? How do you feel if you see a Keene police cruiser in your rearview mirror? Nervous? Anxious? Doesn’t that seem odd?

As well-intentioned as some employed at the Keene police department genuinely are, there’s no way the current policing structure can ever realize its very worthwhile goal (for a safe community). They simply lack the proper incentives.

To put it plainly, the lack of competition means there’s an oversupply of policing. And a lack of accountability.

We don’t turn to a centralized, top-down hierarchy to provide goods arguably more important than policing, such as food (without which, you’d sooner be in peril), so why believe a force-backed structure is necessary in this case?

If you think a move towards a more-militarized Keene isn’t ideal, expose yourself to some alternatives:

Keene Bearcat Grant

Hopefully individual Keene police employees will think about this seriously and act aligned with their conscience, which I hope means that they’ll refuse to operate the Bearcat. That’d be a significant step. And admittedly it’d be a tough step to take, when in that “thin blue line” culture, but what does it same about ones character if opt to act according to the dictates of another rather than themselves.

As the saying goes – create the world in which you want to see. The Bearcat is here. But that doesn’t mean it has to get used. It’d be a powerful action that’d resonate with others if individuals in that environment choose not to unthinking comply, but to side with those they claim to serve and, I’d hope, with their own conscience.

That seems to me the best choice for us now, and for future generations.


Keene Cop Block

If you’re outside of Keene connect your local offshoot:

Keene Police Department

Playlist from Bearcat Unveiling

[footage from multiple individuals]

Ian Freeman Discusses Police Interactions with Abby Martin on RT's Breaking the Set

Ian Freeman spoke with Abby Martin on Breaking the Set, a new show on, about filming police and individual rights.

Breaking the Set on Facebook
Abby Martin on Twitter

In late Oct. Freeman drove from his Keene, NH home an hour south to support friend Jay Noone, who’s house was scheduled to be sold at a tax auction. Freeman questioned those who facilitated the theft and the sale of the property. Rather than have a civil conversation, Ray Tenczar put Freeman in handcuffs and claimed he was being “disorderly.”

Watch the video below. And if you want, watch the raw video.

Freeman, host of the nationally-syndicated Free Talk Live, is active with, the Shire Society, the Free State Project, and Keene Cop Block.

More of Ian from 2009 via Motorhome Diaries: