7,000+ Pages of Keene Meter Maid Activities

If you live, work, or travel through Keene, chances are you’ve spied the ongoing efforts of those involved with Robin Hooding.

From KeeneCopBlock.org/RobinHood:

Keene Copblockers engage in Robin Hooding to rescue others in the community from being ransomed by Keene’s “parking enforcers.”

Whenever someone’s meter is expired, a coin is placed into the meter to extend the person’s time, especially if it is in the direct path of the individual working for the Bureau of Parking Enforcement. Usually a long nickle is sufficient. Often, if time allows, a Copblocker will walk in front of the would be ransom-issuer (while attempting conversation), depositing a coin in each expired meter along the way. This has proven to be an effective deterrent.

From RobinHood.FreeKeene.com:

In late December I submitted a 91A request (New Hampshire’s Freedom of Information Act) to obtain records of meter maid activities.

Eventually, one FRN was given to Bill Dow for a CD with over 7,000 pages of records that list the type, location, time and date of all tickets given from January 1st, 2010 to December 31st, 2012 (yes, people were given tickets on New Year and New Years Eve).

It’s shared here for transparency.

91A for Keene Parking Enforcement Records by CopBlock

Keene Meter Maid Tickets 2010-2012 by CopBlock