by Pete Eyre | Jul 19, 2013 | Articles
Yesterday – July 18th – was Chalk the Police State in solidarity with the “Sunset 3” who, in June, were arrested by Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department employees for using children’s chalk to write pro-police accountability statements on the public sidewalk.
As Kelly Patterson wrote:
on June 8th, I along with two other members of the Sunset Activist Collective were cited during a Nevada Cop Block monthly protest for “graffiti” while listing the crimes and paying tribute to the many victims of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. After nine months of “Second Saturdays” and other events calling for the accountability that is sorely missing within Las Vegas area police departments, we were told by a “graffiti expert” that drawing with chalk on a sidewalk is now illegal, in spite of us having been explicitly told by some of his own co-workers that sidewalk chalk is in fact legal previously.
Among other things – Patterson and his colleagues hope to draw attention to the fact that no LVMPD employee involved in a shooting has ever been found to be in the wrong. Zero. That, of course, is the accountability had when its said to be provided via internal investigations.
by Pete Eyre | Jul 15, 2013 | Articles, Updates, Videos
Robin Hood hearing
August 12th in the AM (exact time to be added here)
Keene “Superior” Court
12 Court Street
Keene, NH 03431
by Pete Eyre | Jul 2, 2013 | Articles, Videos
Keene Cop Block invited Ian Freeman, a six -year inhabitant of Keene, NH, to share a bit about the ongoing harassment he’s faced from so-claimed “authorities” for his efforts to peacefully erode their claimed legitimacy.
In this video Freeman, host of the nationally syndicated Free Talk Live and blogger at and, among much else, touches on the latest iteration of threat levied at him before speaking candidly about his motivations and the real impact had as the peaceful community emerges.
Instead of cowering, Freeman, knowing full-well that he’s not harmed anyone, has opted for transparency. His actions have undoubtedly embolden others – both in and outside of the ‘shire – to see the gun in the room, and speak out as well.
Freddie Parsells “Keene’s Petty Tyrant” 603.352.5400
Gary LaFreniere Keene Fire Department employee 603.357.9861
Fire Chief’s Inspection of Activist Center Thrown Out by Court posted to on June 29, 2013 by Ian Freeman
KAC Smoke Alarm Case: City Claims They’re Only “Requesting” Compliance? posted to on March 3, 2013 by Ian Freeman
City Targets Keene Activist Center with Hundreds Per Day in Fines posted to on February 13, 2013 by Ian Freeman
Fred Parsells, Keene’s Petty Tyrant posted to on December 19, 2012 by Pete Eyre
Update on KAC Raid – Response Filed posted to on September 17, 2012 by Ian Freeman
Toilet Safety Raid at the KAC posted to on July 14, 2012 by FreeConcord
The KAC is constitutionally protected. Your raids don’t scare us, Fred. posted to on June 15, 2012 by Ian Freeman
Keene Activist Center posted to on November 9, 2012 by Ian Freeman
“Jailed Activist” category at
by Pete Eyre | Jun 13, 2013 | Videos
In early May 2013 the “City of Keene” filed a preliminary injunction against six individuals, hoping to establish a 50′ anti-freedom zone around parking enforcement employees (part of the Keene Police Department). The six individuals all filed written responses and on June 11, 2013 appeared in “Superior Court” for a hearing.
The man in the black robe, John Kissinger, told the six individuals and Thomas Mullins, the lawyer for the “City of Keene, that they had 20 days to submit more info about the related constitutional arguments and that a full-day hearing would be scheduled at a later date – possibly in August – unless he first dismissed the injunction.
Thomas Mullins
(603) 357-9806
This was originally posted to
by Pete Eyre | May 10, 2013 | Videos

Josh English & his four-legged friend, Patriot
Last night I had an interaction with Josh English and Mike Goodchild, Keene police department employees who acted in opposite of the mission they claim to uphold.
The mission of the Keene Police Department is to protect life and property and to maintain order within the City while assuring fair and respectful treatment of everyone.
Just after 10pm I spied some flashing blue lights on West Street in Keene. As I neared the scene – one Keene cruiser with the license plate G0244 and an Explorer stopped along the curb facing east – I opened Bambuser to start streaming live content, and, just in case, I made more accessible my handheld marine band radio – used to communicate with others in the area who may have their ears on.
I expected the road pirate activity to pass uneventfully. Yet the interaction had with English and Goodchild was less than satisfactory. From the former, I received threats. From the latter, I was treated as if I didn’t exist. It’s clear neither fit the “respectful” demeanor claimed in their mission…
Quick and dirty breakdown of exchange seen in video
0:00 I positioned myself at the front of the scene to be visible to all present and to be better positioned to create an objective record of the incident
0:44 woman visible
1:40 identification given
2:54 update
3:08 why I choose to film the police
4:00 second Keene police employee arrives at scene
4:39 contact attempted with second Keene police employee
4:54 second Keene police employee refuses to respond, even to share his name/badge
5:05 second Keene police employee identified as [Mike] Goodchild
5:30 Goodchiild asked thoughts about filming – remains mute
5:50 Goodchild asked if actions align with mission [in case you’re curious, the tenants put-forth by Keene police include “professionalism, objectivity, loyalty, integrity, courtesy, enthusiasm”]
6:15 first Keene police employee returns to woman in Explorer
6:40 second individual on scene filming police [Garret Ean]
7:00 road pirate activity, initiated by the first Keene police employee, concludes
7:09 first Keene police employee asked “Can I get your name and badge number sir?”
7:18 first Keene police employee exits his vehicle and approaches while verbalizing “Step away from my car, you’re antagonizing my dog, that’s a criminal action”
8:11 first Keene police employee asked again for his name
8:15 first Keene police employee again exits vehicle and says “If you step in front of my car again I will arrest you”
8:30 first Keene police employee identified as [Josh] English
8:38 English and Goodchild drive away from scene
8:47 I remind English and Goodchild that “This isn’t what Keene is supposed to be about!”
9:00 recap of exchange had with Ean
Keene Police Department
400 Marlboro Street
Keene, NH 03431
Phone: (603) 357-9813
Josh English – Keene police employee who initiated the traffic stop, and who twice threatened to kidnap/cage
Mike Goodchild – Keene police employee who arrived at traffic stop later, and who remained non-conversational