Keene Police received an award on March 23rd of 2013, it’s a CALEA accreditation for outstanding professional standards and conduct. After reviewing the Police Chiefs annual report, I saw that most of complaints filed are “unfounded” and/or “no action taken.” Is there an incentive for Keene Police to hide the complaints and put on paper that most of all complaints are unfounded? After seeing Keene Police on hundreds of calls and hearing firsthand accounts on specific officers, I started to raise my eyebrow and wonder how almost all the complaints are unfounded. I started to dig on the Keene Police Website and found a huge incentive for this. The CALEA Accreditation Award for excellence. In my opinion based on some facts, not only from video but firsthand accounts, I believe that this “unfounded” thing is based on a lie and that Keene Police painted a false picture on their own department. It’s really funny how 60% of all complaints are for unprofessional conduct, and they receive an award for excellent conduct .
I filed a complaint against an officer for his conduct in 2011. I gave a report in person to Sgt Rivera. I called a few weeks later and was advised to submit a written complaint via the sgts personal Keene polIce email address. The complaint was never responded to. When I called months later for the results of the investigation the Sgt indicated there was no action taken and the officers conduct was lawful and appropriate. I am also not entitled to a copy of my complaint or results of the investigation. Zero accountability. I moved away from Keene two years ago and I’m still drawn to find your organization. Aside from my account I would just like to share that the rest of the country is absolutely nothing like new hampshire. I didn’t realize how many bizzare caveats NH law allows itself. One can find all manners of absolutely disturbing practices that would prove ripe for a Victorian mystery novel or ” 10 More Scary New England Stories.” The police are an extension of the state government and I find them regretfully well matched.