Ransom Levied Then Rescinded

Note, this post was first published to CopBlock.org on Jan. 09, 2014


Have a not-too-favorable interaction with a police employee? Check out this page: http://copblock.org/29382/so-youve-been-wronged-by-a-police-employee and consider letting others know via http://copblock.org/submit The more we each speak the truth and look out for each other the better we’ll all be.





"City of Keene" v. "Robin Hood" – Day 1

On Monday, August 12, the “Evidentiary” hearing for the lawsuit filed by the “City of Keene” against six individuals collectively dubbed “Robin Hood” went down at “Superior” court in Keene. As the title of this post indicates, it was the first of what may be three or four days in legaland. The next date, which won’t happen in the next few weeks due to a full docket, is still to be determined.

Those of us named as “Robin Hood” were told be be present at 9am. We didn’t exit legaland until 4pm.

The “City of Keene” called parking enforcement officer (PEO) Linda “Lynn” Desruisseaux, counselor Mary Kimmel (who, while testifying, was getting paid 225FRNs/hour from the “City of Keene”), and former PEO Alan Givetz (who only got through part of his testimony – that which related to me, Pete Eyre). I then testified (as I had informed those present that the next day I was to leave the ‘shire for an extended period of time per the Police Accountability Tour).

When wrapping-up for the day both myself and John Meyer, who is representing the five other co-defendants, motioned to have my name removed from the injunction as there was no factual evidence to support my inclusion in the frivolous suit. Charles Bauer – the Concord-based lawyer hired by the “City of Keene”, was told he had 10days to respond.

Hearing held in Keene for Robin Hooders [short & raw video]

In early May 2013 the “City of Keene” filed a preliminary injunction against six individuals, hoping to establish a 50′ anti-freedom zone around parking enforcement employees (part of the Keene Police Department). The six individuals all filed written responses and on June 11, 2013 appeared in “Superior Court” for a hearing.

The man in the black robe, John Kissinger, told the six individuals and Thomas Mullins, the lawyer for the “City of Keene, that they had 20 days to submit more info about the related constitutional arguments and that a full-day hearing would be scheduled at a later date – possibly in August – unless he first dismissed the injunction.



Thomas Mullins
(603) 357-9806


This was originally posted to FreeKeene.com